The Black British Business Awards: The Middle Research

The BBBAwards, in collaboration with EMpower held an exclusive research study launch on Tuesday 19th September. The research focuses on the factors that impact on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) professionals’ progress to the C-suite and Boardroom in corporate Britain. 


The Black British Business Awards (BBBAwards) is the only premium awards programme of its kind in Great Britain. The awards enjoy the support of over twenty significant multinational corporations. The BBBAwards celebrate the often-unsung contributions of exceptional professionals and entrepreneurs of black heritage. The focus on commercial excellence and business impact, and have been endorsed by Prime Minister May, Prime Minister Cameron, Secretaries of State for Business, the Mayor of the City of London and prominent business leaders.

EMpower – or Ethnic Minority Power – is a membership initiative driving the empowerment of ethnic minority employees within corporate organisations, ensuring equality of opportunity, more inclusive cultures and breaking down barriers to success. EMpower runs a series of events and leadership programmes, providing members with skills, knowledge and powerful network connections which can be leveraged in order to drive change.

EMpower was launched in 2017 with 10 founding members: BP, Barclays, LinkedIn, Jupiter, Coca-Cola, Virgin Money, Slaughter and May, PwC, Sainsbury’s and Dentsu Aegis Network.

Role modelling is fundamental for success, and EMpower publishes annual role model lists in partnership with the Financial Times, celebrating the top 100 BAME leaders and top 30 Future Leaders from the UK, Ireland, US and Canada. The lists were formerly known as UPstanding. 

For more information, visit